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Research Review Notes

Summaries of academic research papers

InfoVAE: Information Maximizing Variational Autoencoders


The authors indicate that the variational inference training objectives as defined in the original paper [@kingma2013auto] is not expressive enough for a good generative model, but more expressive conditional distributions end up ignoring the latent space altogether. The authors wish to address this by proposing a new training objective for Variational Autoencoders.


The variational inference lower bound is derived in the original paper as

where the first term is the KL divergence loss that encourages the inferred latent space to be similar to a prior usually a Gaussian distribution and the second term minimizes the negative log likelihood of observing the data point $x$ given the inferred latent variable $z$.


The authors cite 2 problems with the ELBO objective, ‘information preference’ and ‘exploding latent space’:

Proposed Solution

Instead of minimizing the previous KL-divergence $- D_{KL}(q_{\phi}(z|x) || p_{\theta}(z))$, try to minimize $- D_{KL}(q_{\phi}(z) || p_{\theta}(z))$ where

Since this cannot be computed directly, we need to use a likelihood-free optimization technique. The InfoVAE objective can thus be written as

for any $\lambda > 0$

Optimization Techniques


The authors use 2 strategies to empirically measure the distance between $q_{\phi}(z)$ and $p(z)$
